where I visited the River Styx,
It proved to be one of the hardest
trips that I had to make,
Giving my little one to the boatman,
Still my journey goes on.
My daughter...she still comes to me,
in my dreams,
sometimes as a infant,
sometimes as a toddler,
sometimes as a child,
I always know when she's here.
Looking after her mommy.
She lets me know that,
she is OK.
She is happy and content.
And sometimes it makes me wonder,
Why am I not as happy as my
Well, today I am making an affirmation.
I choose life.
Grief is a powerful thing.
For 8 years, I have let it consume me.
Devour my heart and soul until,
there was nothing left to give
to anyone else.
Today, I choose happiness.
I choose to look at life as a blessing,
not a burden.
Instead of thinking of what could have
been... I am looking at what I have.
I choose tranquility,
I choose peace,
I choose prosperity,
I choose to love,
I choose to live.
My life has been a series of uuupppsss and dddooowwwnnnsss.
But I choose to be me.
Had it not been for those life
lessons. I would not be the person
that I am today.
Today, I choose the top.
I will be successful,
I will be rich beyond my wildest imagination,
In life, love, and riches,
I will speak nothing but positive thoughts,
For they will re-align my life.
I come from a long lineage of
great Southern Ladies and I
will make them proud. I will be
the lady that I was groomed to be.
For everyone else:
I will see you at the top.
Mediocracy has never been
in my blood. I will not
fall prey to it now.
I hope that you see the greatness
in you that I have found in myself.
Lots of love, peace, and tranquility,
Ms. Alfreda "Fre-" Whatley

Fre, I'm so glad I found your blog through Twitter! I'm just wondering, do you ever do spoken word poetry? I used to frequent Sunday nights at Java Monkey in Decatur and your style would fit right in there!
ReplyDeleteYou are beautiful and your writing is incredible! Though I have not walked your path or lived your journey, I hold tight the hand of any woman had adversity in her life. Holding on and watching your journey from afar