Just when you thought
the show was over, the lights on the stage had dimmed...
Just when you thought
you could predict the next Act,
The Encore will begin to show.
Just make sure you pay
Pay rapt attention, for nothing here will be on
the next headliner.
The curtain pulls back, and here I am... all dressed in splendor
and laced in black,
Patiently waiting for my time to deliver my lines in resplendent form,
Wanting you to see that you can not hurt me,
Or make me waver from my own undeniable truth,
The actress that I aspire to be was here all along,
It took reaching deep inside and a lot of reassurance,
With voice lessons and the like...
To find my perfect form.
Hopefully, you have a front row seat.
For you know the house will be packed,
waiting for my act, and trying to get a glimpse of me.
Autographs to be signed from fans that are now mine and plenty of things to do.
Just when you thought the show was over
and the lights had begun to dim,
Just when you thought you could predict the next act
My Encore began to show.
Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam. Hot Shyt!